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Computational Thinking Specialist

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Image of Computational Thinking Specialist
3 Day Problem Solving
61 60+ Intermediate

Computational Thinking Specialist

The Course audience
  • The training is generally intended for students and professionals who have a background in computer science or another STEM-related field.
The Course Overview

Computational Thinking requires developing skills in an evolving digital environment that includes machine-like grounded decision-making. Computational Thinking is a set of problem-solving methods that involve expressing problems and their solutions in a way that a computer could also perform.

The Computing Thinking course is designed to teach you the fundamentals of Computing Thinking, identifying and collecting data and applying abstraction, automation and improvement to a Computing Thinking-based solution.

Thanks to the Computional Thinking training, candidates will be able to decompose problems, collect and analyze data, recognize patterns in data, represent data by abstractions and automate solutions using Computional Thinking.

The Course Curriculum
  • Recognize the fundamental principles and concepts of Computational Thinking
  • Become familiar with the identification and collection of data and the application of abstraction
  • Acquire skills to automate, present and improve a solution
The Course Requirements
  • Ability to spot and solve problems
  • Logical reasoning ability
  • No technical requirements

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