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HTML5 Application Development Specialist

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Image of HTML5 Application Development Specialist
3 Day Software Development
73 60+ Beginner

HTML5 Application Development Specialist

The Course audience
  • It is recommended that candidates pass the HTML and CSS training and the JavaScript course before continuing with this training
The Course Overview

The HTML5 Application Development training will allow you to learn how to manage the life cycle of an application, debug and test web applications, master graphics, animations, models and code in JavaScript.

The Course Curriculum

Course objectives:

  • Recognize basic programming concepts
  • Become familiar with graphics, animations, shapes and models
  • Master Javascript coding
The Course Requirements
  • Ability to use HTML markup to structure a document.
  • Ability to use CSS style sheets to format a document.
  • Ability to create a website that incorporates JavaScript
  • Ability to deploy web pages on a server

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