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Java Specialist

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5 Days Software Development
55 60+ Intermediate

Java Specialist

The Course audience
  • The training is generally intended for students and professionals who have a background in computer science or another STEM-related field.
The Course Overview

Java training is designed to teach you the fundamental principles of Java, the different types of expression and data variables, to become familiar with the object-oriented programming language as well as to acquire the skills to compile code and debug it.

With Java training, you could demonstrate that you can recognize, write, and debug Java code to logically solve a problem.

The Course Curriculum
  • Acquire basic knowledge of the Java language
  • Differentiate between different types of variables, expressions to build code
  • Become familiar with the object programming language, compile it and debug it
The Course Requirements
  • Applicants should have at least 150 hours of training or hands-on experience with Java, be familiar with its features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug, and maintain well-formed and well-documented Java code.

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